Tuesday, 17 March 2015

What It's Like To Live As A Women Under ISIS Rule

Militants working for ISIS' all-female police force in Syria have released a manifesto on the role of women - claiming children as young as nine should be encouraged to get married and condemning beauty parlours as the work of the devil.

The chilling document, titled 'Women in the Islamic State', demands women live a completely 'sedentary' lifestyle and that their role in life should be primarily to remain 'hidden and veiled' and at the service of men, who are described as their masters.

The manifesto urges 'pure' females to ensure they are married by 16, 'while they are still young and active', but insists that children as young as nine can 'legitimately' marry adult men.

It goes on to state that beauty parlours and shops selling fashionable clothes must not be tolerated as they are both instruments of the devil designed to encourage women to spend vast amounts of money to change God's design.

The document is the first of its kind to be released by ISIS' all-female Al-Khansa Brigade and while it claims not to have been written or approved by ISIS' leadership, it provides a disturbing look at the way women living under the terror group's barbaric regime can expect to be viewed and treated."

Read more here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/artic...

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Sam Simon:'Simpsons' Co-Creator Dies After Long Battle With Cancer

Sam Simon passed away Sunday at his L.A. home, following a long, difficult battle with colon cancer. Simon was diagnosed in 2012 and was very public that his disease was terminal.
We're told Simon was surrounded by his family when he died, and his dog. The dog was very special in Sam's life ... he was a big animal rights advocate.
The Sam Simon Foundation tells us, "For those of us who knew him, his voice will forever echo in our minds; his sense of humor will continue to make us laugh; and his compassion and generosity will continue to impact our lives."
Adding, "Sam, you will be missed by many, but there is a particular sadness among our clinic staff. We have been together for so long, and your absence will forever leave a void in our lives."
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2015/03/09/sam-simon-dead-simpsons-creator-dies-cancer/#ixzz3UVvcS3Ss